Doonamai Services

- 3D Concept and Product Design -

- 3D Printing and Design -

- Mechanical Design -

- Low-cost Product Trailer -

- Logo Design -

- VR Demo, Presentation, or Walk-through -

With a decade of Mechanical and Game Development experience, Doonamai is uniquely qualified to help you bring your product or concept to life. We offer a wide range of services and have the skills to help you build your vision. Get in contact with us and get a quote for whatever you may need.



3D Concept and Product Design

Do you have a product, idea, or proposal that could use some concept images? Doonamai handles 3D model creation for Engineering, Production, and Gaming Industries. Supply us with your idea, napkin sketch, or requirements and we can make high-quality renders or videos to fit your needs.

Mechanical Arm Design by Doonamai

Mechanical Arm Design by Doonamai



3D Printing and Design

Do you have a product or concept that you require a 3D Print of? Doonamai can design the item for you in CAD, print the prototype, and deliver it. Don’t waste money on a first-article part until you can verify the design functions as expected with a printed prototype.

3D Printed and Painted Fan-Art Nintendo Switch Grips

3D Printed and Painted Fan-Art Nintendo Switch Grips



Mechanical Design

Need drawings for a design? No problem. Doonamai can create mechanical drawings and designs that can be fabricated in metal, wood, or composite. We can also have those parts produced for you as required. If you have a great idea and just need help bringing it to life, get in contact with us and let your dreams become reality.

Custom Designed Gaming Table - Houses 4 Desktop PC’s

Custom Designed Gaming Table - Houses 4 Desktop PC’s



Low-Cost Product Trailer

Every good product needs a solid trailer to interest potential customers. Doonamai can help you create a trailer for your product or service and help take some of the burden off of your business. Let the team with game development experience handle your graphical needs so that you don’t have to.



Logo Design


Looking for a new logo for your game, product, or company? Doonamai can help you find a logo that suits your style and delivers the correct tone of your brand.

game Logos1.png


Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality is a growing field and getting very exciting. Doonamai can help your clients or customers understand your product, design, landscaping, house, and more through Virtual Reality. We can build you a demo or presentation in VR that can be shared with clients/customers or displayed at your business.

VR-medical-demo-clip 2.gif

Contact Us

If any of these services interest you, please contact us using the form below and get a quote. We want to help you succeed and produce the best possible product.