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About Doonamai

Doonamai, LLC was started in 2016 by Mechanical Engineer, Kyle Klouda, as an independent game development company. For years Kyle had toyed with the idea of creating games and a company, but lacked the motivation and drive to push past the negativity of peers that claimed it was too difficult. 

"At some point I realized that a lot of people will say you can't do something, but maybe that is more of a personal limitation for them, and they have no idea what you are capable of."
- CEO, Kyle Klouda

As a tribute to all the people that are capable of great things, the company was named Doonamai. The name stems from the Greek work "dunamai" which means "to be able" or "to have the power to do something." The company is meant to be a light for others wandering in the darkness of doubt. Everyone can make games if they have the drive and the dedication. 

The Mission

There is an epidemic of toxic behavior in online gaming today. The push for online multiplayer coupled with the anonymity of players in each game's community leads to abusive behavior. The main goal of Doonamai is to eventually work toward multiplayer games that can be played LAN or online and help promote a social gaming experience. Less and less games allow LAN or Local multiplayer, yet those are traits that most gamers grew up on.

Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox were the childhood of most gamers, and the couch co-op/multiplayer experience grew bonds between players. Gamers in their 20's and 30's now still have some of those bonds they made as children, but the next generation of gamer is in trouble. They are not receiving a local gaming experience as previous generations did.

Doonamai’s next title, Dark Table, is trying to bring the social aspect of multiplayer card games to the digital format in an effort to maintain the social gaming experience. The game is currently in development and will be a Free-to-Play 4-player Free-For-All CCG that has temporary alliances, deckbuilding, E-Sports, and more. More importantly, it will feature a custom game mode that will allow 4 friends to party up and play together any time. If it is too hard or you don’t have time to set up a local game night, your friends can jump on voice chat and meet at the Dark Table to play.

The Long Goal

The more successful Doonamai becomes, the faster it can build local gaming communities and promote local gaming experiences such as LAN parties and tournaments. Humans are social creatures and benefit from real interaction. Doonamai wants to create fun social experiences for gamers to build real social and networking skills, which are severely lacking in society today. 

Doonamai's long term goals are:
- Host Game Jams to create a surge of local multiplayer games
- Buy a studio space and hire more developers to build better worlds
- Run tournaments and social gaming gatherings
- Stream local events and persuade other companies to help build a better gaming community
- Conventions once the Doonamai umbrella is large enough.

With your help Doonamai can grow into the company it needs to be. If you share these ideals and believe in the mission, please share the site with others. The fate of Doonamai and the health of the gaming community rests on your shoulders. 

"So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then they seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon become inevitable."
- Christopher Reeve